Frequently Asked



  • College Coaches can search for Student Athletes based on many attributes within the GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio, so it is important that your Player Portfolio is as complete as you can make it.  You can be found based on your primary or secondary position, your graduation year, your GPA, your overall Epley Athletic Performance Index (API) score, your overall Sports Psychology Index (SPI) score, or individual components of each, such as agility (API) or conscientiousness (SPI).

    Here’s how you start building a comprehensive Player Portfolio - upon activating your GETHIGHLIGHTED subscription you receive a welcome email with links/instructions on how to begin.  Please watch the onboarding tutorial


  • We are working to add a section to the Player Portfolio where you can copy links to all of your other player profiles, making the GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio the most comprehensive view of your potential to College Coaches.  In the meantime, please copy/paste links to all of your other player profiles into the Bio section of your GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio.

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED aspires to level the playing field for all Student Athletes who desire to play at the next level in College.  Not every Student Athlete has access to a High School or a Sports Performance Facility who is certified to test the Epley Athletic Performance Index (API).  We are working to add the ability for a coach or trainer who has been designated as a member of your GETHIGHLIGHTED Recruiting Team to input your power, speed and agility scores not timed by a Certified GETHIGHLIGHTED Performance Facility.  In the meantime, complete all other aspects of your GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio.  

    Also, consider asking your High School coach or Sports Performance Facility trainer to contact us at for more information about becoming a certified GETHIGHLIGHTED Performance Facility.

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED’s Sports Psychology Index (SPI) consists of 5 attributes that highly correlate with athletic success at high school, collegiate, and professional levels of competition.  A College Coach can search for Student Athletes based on their overall SPI score, or on a threshold percentile of Commitment, Competitiveness, Conscientiousness, Control and/or Cooperativeness.

    To learn more about the Sports Psychology Index and how to take the assessment, please review the GETHIGHLIGHTED onboarding tutorial by clicking here.

    The section of the video discussing the SPI can be found at the 2:55 mark.

  • The GETHIGHLIGHTED Video Intro gives Student Athletes an opportunity to personalize their Player Portfolio and showcase their personality to College Coaches and recruiting staff. Record your GETHIGHLIGHTED Video Intro and take your Player Portfolio Photo with your mobile phone or tablet, use ample natural light, be in a quiet environment, and grab a partner and/or stabilize your video with a tripod.  You have 2 minutes to share your name/school/year/position, your passion for the game, your will to improve and what you are working on to get better, your commitment to the team, and your academic and athletic aspirations.  You have unlimited takes – be sure to be conversational and make it fun!

  • In addition to the scientifically-validated sports performance data shown through your Athletic Performance Index (API) and Sports Psychology Index (SPI) scores, the GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio allows you to showcase your athleticism, skills and accomplishments through HIGHLIGHT film.  

    You can upload up to 5 links of HIGHLIGHT film directly into your Player Portfolio via the GETHIGHLIGHTED mobile app.  Copy and paste URLs from Youtube, Vimeo or Hudl.  For a visual representation on where to find this in the GETHIGHLIGHTED mobile app, click here to watch the onboarding tutorial, scroll to the 6:59 mark.  

  • To begin searching for your best academic and athletic future, click


    for a tutorial on how to use GETHIGHLIGHTED’s proprietary College Search Engine.  Within this instructional video, the eye icon (your GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio has been viewed by a College coach), the trophy icon (you have been HIGHLIGHTED by a College Coach), and the star trophy icon (it’s a match!) are explained.

  • You will receive notifications via email and/or via the GETHIGHLIGHTED mobile app when your Player Portfolio has been viewed (eye icon), HIGHLIGHTED (trophy icon), and/or you have received a match (star trophy icon).  For an illustration of a GETHIGHLIGHTED match, please click here.

  • If you want to have your account removed and deleted from the GETHIGHLIGHTED application, please contact GETHIGHLIGHTED at the following email address:  Our customer service agents will respond to you within 24 business hours.


  • Please log into your GETHIGHLIGHTED Guardian Admin account by following the instructions in your welcome email or by clicking here and logging in with your username (the Guardian’s email) and password.  The Guardian Admin account is not accessible via the GETHIGHLIGHTED Mobile app, only from a web browser at  Once logged in, click on the “Add Additional Student Athlete” button and follow the prompts.

    If you need additional instruction, please contact us at :  Our customer service agents will respond to you within 24 business hours.

  • Please log into your GETHIGHLIGHTED Guardian Admin account by following the instructions in your welcome email or by clicking here and logging in with your username (the Guardian’s email) and password.  The Guardian Admin account is not accessible via the GETHIGHLIGHTED Mobile app, only from a web browser at  If you have forgotten your password, please click on the “Forgot Password?” link and follow the instructions sent to the Guardian email to reset your password.  

  • You can update your payment method by logging into your Guardian Admin account here from a web browser (not accessible via the GETHIGHLIGHTED Mobile app).  Once logged in, click on Payments, then Manage Payment Method. As a reminder, payments automatically renew either monthly or annually, and you will receive an email notification one week prior to the payment due date.

  • You can view your Student Athlete’s GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio by logging into your Guardian Admin account here from a web browser (not accessible to Guardians or Recruiting Team Members via the GETHIGHLIGHTED Mobile app).  Once logged in, click on the “View Student Athlete’s Player Portfolio” hyperlink on the right hand side.

  • If you want to have your Guardian Admin account removed and deleted and your Student Athlete’s subscription canceled and their Player Portfolio removed and deleted from the GETHIGHLIGHTED application, please contact GETHIGHLIGHTED at the following email address:

    .Our customer service agents will respond to you within 24 business hours.

  • Canceled or expired GETHIGHLIGHTED subscriptions result in a permanent deletion of the Student Athlete’s Player Portfolio.  Once a subscription reaches its cancellation date or when it expires, Student Athletes will no longer have access to their GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio and its corresponding personally identifiable information (PII) because it is permanently deleted on the cancellation or expiration date. If you or your Student Athlete choose to resubscribe to GETHIGHLIGHTED in the future, the previous Player Portfolio will not be retrievable as it is permanently deleted on the cancellation or expiration date.

    Permanently deleted GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolios will not be searchable by College Coaches, nor will these deleted Player Portfolios be accessible to College Coaches who have saved the Player Portfolio to their respective recruiting dashboards. 

    Please refer to both GETHIGHLIGHTED’s Terms of Useand Privacy Policy for additional information.



  • GETHIGHLIGHTED aspires to level the playing field for all High School Student Athletes who want to pursue playing at the next level.  These Student Athletes are playing for your High School’s teams and/or for your Sports Club’s teams, and we want visibility and exposure not just to the top player on each of your teams, but also the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Student Athlete who wants to be discovered by a College Coach.  This is why GETHIGHLIGHTED offers a partnership to any High School or Sports Club free of charge.  Not only does it not cost you anything to partner with GETHIGHLIGHTED, but we offer a revenue sharing model to raise money for your High School, High School Booster Club, or Sports Club.  Please contact us at for details on how to partner with GETHIGHLIGHTED to help your Student Athletes begin to discover their best academic and athletic futures.  You can also schedule an appointment directly with one of our Regional Performance Managers by visiting

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED eliminates the noise and confusion for College Coaches who are inundated with multiple player profiles. College Coaches want one definitive source of truth from which they can assess athletic talent, academic competency, and the most important character attributes of their prospective recruits. GETHIGHLIGHTED Student Athletes can link their current player profiles from their/your existing collegiate recruiting service(s) into the most comprehensive and objective sports recruiting Player Portfolio in the collegiate sports recruiting industry. And, because GETHIGHLIGHTED is available at no cost to High Schools and Sports Clubs, these financial resources can be reallocated to areas of greater need.

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED has designed a partnership model for High Schools and Sports Clubs that is free to your organization and is plug-and-play.  We have already created informational materials for you to send out to your Student Athletes and their Guardians announcing your new collegiate sports recruiting partnership with GETHIGHLIGHTED, as well as instructions on how to subscribe and activate their GETHIGHLIGHTED Player Portfolio.

    Please contact us at for details on how to partner with GETHIGHLIGHTED to help your Student Athletes begin to discover their best academic and athletic futures.  You can also schedule an appointment directly with one of our Regional Performance Managers by visiting

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED’s proprietary software connects the Student Athlete’s ecosystem of support to their collegiate recruiting journey. Scientifically validated data supports candid discussions with Student Athletes and their guardians on the most appropriate athletic levels of collegiate competition. These data also support appropriate team placement and create an objective foundation to encourage and reward improvements. The GETHIGHLIGHTED Recruiting Team has full visibility into the Student Athlete’s Player Portfolio as well as access to the athletic programs and College Coaches who have HIGHLIGHTED the Student Athlete. These features and platform functionality combine to help Student Athletes more confidently pursue their best athletic and academic futures.

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED invests significantly in multiple resources that are refreshed routinely to ensure that our college coach contact data and college and athletic program information is one of the most comprehensive and accurate databases in the industry.  


  • GETHIGHLIGHTED aspires to level the playing field not only for all High School Student Athletes who want to pursue playing at the next level, but for all College Coaches regardless of recruiting budget.  To that end we have made access to the GETHIGHLIGHTED collegiate sports recruiting network free of charge to all College Coaches, assistant coaches and recruiting staff.  Simply click here to activate your free GETHIGHLIGHTED account and begin searching for Student Athletes on our proprietary search engine based on scientifically-validated sports performance data.

  • To begin searching for prospective Student Athletes with your free access to GETHIGHLIGHTED, click here for a tutorial on how to use GETHIGHLIGHTED’s proprietary Student Athlete Search Engine.  Within this instructional video, the eye icon (your athletic program has been viewed by this Student Athlete), the trophy icon (your athletic program has been HIGHLIGHTED by this Student Athlete), and the star trophy icon (it’s a match!) are explained.  

  • The GETHIGHLIGHTED collegiate sports recruiting network is dynamic.  Some Student Athletes might remove your athletic program from their list of HIGHLIGHTED colleges due to a change in their college or athletic program preferences.  Also, a Student Athlete might have removed your athletic program from their list of HIGHLIGHTED colleges due to a commitment made to another college.  GETHIGHLIGHTED is working on functionality within our platform to grant you visibility into the Student Athlete’s commitment status and to whom they have committed.

  • GETHIGHLIGHTED routinely refreshes our data on collegiate athletic programs and college demographic and academic information.  If there is information on your college/university and/or athletic program that you would like to see manually updated, please email us at  One of our customer service representatives will contact you within 24 business hours.

    Also, GETHIGHLIGHTED is working on functionality within our platform to allow a College Coach and/or their staff to upload a GETHIGHLIGHTED College Athletic Program video intro.  Once this enhancement is in production, we will email all active College Coaches and their staff to notify them of this new tool.